Are you ready to dive into What is Digital Marketing
Digital marketing, a key aspect of modern advertising, uses digital platforms like SEO, social media, and email campaigns to engage audiences, drive sales, and build brand loyalty.

Are you having a lot of questions about what is Digital Marketing?
Stop! Stay here and don’t wander. All your questions will be answered right here.
What is Digital Marketing?
When the digital world joins hands with marketing tools, that is where the love story begins. This story crosses all the borders as it knows all the methods to win over people’s hearts.
Let US help you dive in the digital world because that’s what we are for, right?
What do we as Digital Marketers do?
- Clueless about what we do? We, as digital Marketers, help you with all your needs, from A to Z! Right from your website designing, to your desired ROIs. From planning your strategies to monitoring your performance, we are the ones who help you grab the ladder of your success.
- Do you want to grab the ladder of your success? Yes! Then the first step towards it is to know your objective towards digital marketing!
- You won’t believe, but 99% of people who use digital marketing are the ones who want to Spread awareness, attract the right target audience, and convert them into potential clients.
- All these will lead to the making of different strategies to help your business move ahead. It’s as easy as being at too many places while operating from a single interface via various channels.
But you may ask how is it beneficial to market by being at too many places from a single interface?
How does one benefit from digital marketing or for a matter of fact, why is digital marketing so important?
In today’s era, it has become necessary to be on toes about the trends and patterns of the fast-changing world. Digital marketing is the medium that bridges the gap between you and your desired audience.
- It is your journey towards the end goal of achieving the desired results. You get a choice to select your targeted audience, your channels of marketing, and also to use your USPs cost-effectively and measurably.
- Not only do you get a personalized channel of handling your marketing, but there are other benefits too!
- Reach to places while operating from one place
- Using digital media is going to help you connect with people on a personal level, which will help you build customer loyalty and goodwill.
- Using digital marketing, you can engage people in different types of content and help you gain social currency by becoming viral.
- An effective way to convert potential leads into clients.
All these aspects add up the potential to your business.
Let’s add potential to your business!
I am starting with the different types of Digital marketing and How they work!
We’ve moved from digital products and infrastructure to digital distribution and Web strategy to now into more holistic transformations that are based on mobile, social media, digitization and the power of analytics and we think it’s a new era requiring new strategies.
Digital marketing has immense techniques
Keep reading, and I’ll explain what each technique means.
Each one of them plays a specific role in building all the digital marketing strategies.
So, let US help you with this.
SEO-Search engine optimization
Firstly, ask yourself apart from what you’ve heard about SEO, what do you know about SEO?
Then know how to use this powerful tool to create a content rich website
SEO is like the essential method to know what to optimize where. It’s the use of a non-monetary way to generate page views simply by search results.
SMO- Social Media Optimization
Only Optimizing your online visibility is not going to help; you also need to optimize your website. This happens through different social media platforms and creates publicity leading to generating traffic on site and link sharing.
Search Engine Marketing
Digital marketing isn’t all about non-paid or organic traffic; it is way beyond that!
How often have you seen a pop-up ad appear on your screen while you’re surfing for information? Almost daily? That’s precisely what Search engine marketing, also known as SEM, is, the paid form of marketing. So, here’s is how it works
PPC- Pay Per Click
Clicked on an advertisement by mistake? But what if I tell you it was there for a purpose?
Just by ‘Your’ unknowingly/mistakenly clicking, it has led to you become a lead, and the advertiser has only paid to the search engine for this Ad that it brought to you!
As the name defines, pay per click, it’s the leads that get generated every time somebody clicks on your paid link.
Web Designing
A canvas of your website!
The simplest way to understand this is what you first see when you land on a website? What attracts you and interests you?
Designing is like the most crucial part of a website. The design of your website will determine how long the reader decides to stay
Web Development
This is like an umbrella of the whole website. It has got all covered within it! Web development is simply known as web site development for the internet. All your configurations, scripting everything takes place here
Lead Generation
You are a lead! Yes, you are. And I’ll tell you how.
Just like I said you are one amongst hundreds of leads, the term lead generation is as simple as this. Just like you are here on our site reading and grasping information, every website has its lead.
ORM- Online Reputation Management
If you google yourself, what do you see? Is there any specific type of reputation that you hold? If yes, then you’ll obviously want to better it and if not, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. ORM is nothing but managing and handling the reputation one holds online.
It involves a lot of monitoring of the person, business, or a brand’s reputation to remove negative indications and bringing them towards the positive side of each.
Content Marketing
Content is literally floating everywhere! But tell us one thing, which content has kept you interested? Hardly some, right? That is why content marketing comes into the picture
There’s literally no end to the availability of content on the internet today. You type in just a single word, and you’ll enter into such a big world.
But, in spite of all the content available, hardly some content keeps you interested.
Just like the one you’re reading right now.
This is called content marketing.
It is the practice to deliver a quality piece of content to achieve the end goal of generating leads and sales.
The content floats everywhere online.
You pick up a tweet, a share, a YouTube link, or your blog too.
Content marketing works because of its mix with marketing tools like SEO and Social media marketing.
Here the only key is to keep the audience in mind while you’re drafting the content. It’s like if you’re talking to a baby, you know what to say! Usage of keywords is a must here.
Content marketing is a meditative and continuous work.
And, it’s not always about sales; it’s more about sharing, engaging, and keeping the audience as close and connected to you as possible.
Social Media Marketing
It’s like pulling your target audience towards you.
Give your business the attention it deserves! Social media marketing is a tool that will give you the desired exposure towards your selected target audience in a more intimate way. And, this is vise versa. The audience, too, gets a chance to get up close to you and gives you feedbacks and reviews.
But this will only happen if you give them the desired content or such type of content that they don’t even know they were thinking about. Every step that you take on social media will be a step towards bringing traffic to your business.
So good so far!
Influencer Marketing
Just got influenced into buying something because of an influence? Welcome, you have officially entered influencer marketing! Exactly!
An Influencer is a person who is Influential on social media and has a massive social media fan following. Marketers find it best to promote their product via these people so that they can create more traffic and awareness of the brand or product.
An influencer is shown to be the person personally using the brand, product, or service with immense satisfaction, which throws a message to people that they should try it too. Influencer marketing is new to the marketing tool, but it has its traces back to the way people promoted the brand or product they loved
If we go by the definition, according to Wikipedia,” Influencer marketing (also influence marketing or social media influencer) is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole on social media. It identifies the individuals who influence potential customers and orients marketing activities around these influencers.”
So, all the people you love on social media and who promote various pieces of stuff on social media are your influencer people. They can be people from any backgrounds like they can be an educator, coaches, entertainers, activists, etc.
Easy, is it?
Affiliate Marketing
You must have heard about a commission?
Oh! No no, not that commission! Come back to the business world.
Here the advertiser gives commission to the affiliated party on conversions of sales.
To understand what is affiliate marketing, you first need to know what affiliate stands for.
To affiliate means officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.
Here with every sale the affiliate earns a commission. The advertiser determines the rate, the time, the place everything.
These days several various bloggers and e-commerce websites use affiliate marketing.
This affiliate will represent your brand so beware what this affiliate thinks about your brand or service. Make sure they’re clear with the idea of your brand’s message.
Email Marketing
An email pop-up reading, ‘Blah Blah brand is giving Blah Blah discount, hurry up and grab the offer now.’
This is what Email marketing is! These emails are sent by those brands to which you’ve been associated before in any possible way.
This is infact the most common form of marketing used where you keep your audience informed and updated about the recent trends and changes in your brand.
The moment a person subscribes to you, you should know you have created a lead, and the lead can become an active buyer.
These emailers that are sent provide value to your customer.
Smartphone marketing
App Notification*
‘Avail this product and get a year’s subscription free.’
We’re a generation addicted to our smartphones all the time, from every small task to all bank transactions are now just a tap away. With this, it has also become imperative to know how to target the right content to the right audience via mobile phone marketing.
The marketing plan on a mobile phone should be so strong that it enforces people to click the link on mobile, save it and then go to their laptop screens to watch later. The key is to give them a good preview for them to go and watch it on a big screen.
Also, all the ads that are targeted towards various audiences also depend on the medium they are being targeted with. With mobile marketing, all the fonts, layout, and design should be drafted accordingly for all the different mobile versions too.
Also, Rumor has it that Google will be further be integrating the ability for users to continue searches started on smartphones after they have already begun on larger devices.
For this to happen, Apex InfoTech India Pvt. Ltd. digital marketing agency and our services play an essential role. Right from building the content to developing your website to maintaining social media and monitory the all over reputation online.
So, do you want to cover everything? Definitely yes!
But again, you’ll think does Digital Marketing Work for All Businesses?
As we already said, you don’t need to take much stress, read ahead and you’ll find out your answer.
We should no longer be talking about ‘digital marketing’ but marketing in a digital world.
Keith Weed | Unilever, 2015
every business head starts digital marketing with this same question.
Will digital marketing work for my business? And now they’ve already reached heights.
Digital marketing is that tool, where no matter what your business is, you always have a way to make it big. No matter what type of business you hold, these tools and techniques apply to all. Whatever is your nature, digital marketing has got it right.
Yes, you read it right.
Every single day, 1000s of people are growing with their startups just with the help of digital marketing. The reason being, digital marketing holds a very personal approach and targets accurately what it wants to and to whom it wants to. Because these days everything is ONLINE.
So, once you’ve got your audience right, then there is no end to the traffic you’ll generate.
The way you create your usual marketing strategies, the same applies here. The difference is you get a chance to actually interact with the targeted audience with reviews and feedback.
Caution ahead!
“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”
George Westerman | Principal Research Scientist
with the MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy
What’s the biggest mistake digital marketers make?
It might look as if digital marketing is a cake walk, but no. You might go wrong here.
It may sound easy to read about techniques and think it’s really cool to apply.
Yes, it is easy, but no it’s that easy.
You are confused as to where you go wrong?
Let me clear it to you!
They say go to target! Go to Target! And I would say they’re right!
The simplest mistake you could ever make is not having enough knowledge of your target audience and ending up targeting a wrong group of people for your business.
The most important thing ever is to have real clarity of your target audience. This is going to help you achieve the desired results.
Knowing your ideal audience will help you connect with them on a personalized level bringing you a clearer picture of what exactly the audience is expecting from you.
2-UNCLEAR digital marketing goals.
Setting clear digital goals is the key to succeeding. It will not only help you move ahead but also help you evaluate the results on each step of the process.
Not having the desired goal will lead into missing leading content and messed up investment and we’re sure you don’t want to end up in a loophole.
How about 10 things on your table and you pick up all at the same time? Messy? Unmanageable? Loss of few because of failing to create balance?
This is exactly what happens when you don’t follow a structured strategy.
A recent study says only 32% of B2B marketers say they follow a structured content marketing strategy. Which means the other, more than half marketers aren’t even in the lead to make the right content.
It is vital to create a road map of activities that you’re planning out to do. This road map will help you create a path and will show you the proper route to carry out digital marketing strategies.
It’s recommended to have 2-3 digital marketing strategies lined up depending upon the size of the digital marketing group you hold, or it is advisable to hire a digital marketing agency to create a specific documented strategy for you.
4-AIMLESS Social media plans.
A post released earlier on Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg read “…we’re making a major change to how we build Facebook. I’m changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to help you have more meaningful social interactions.”
And it later got revealed that Facebook allows fewer brands and businesses as it sees the content sharing and its fruitfulness.
And it all makes sense! Doesn’t it?
Your posts should head towards meaningful interaction with the mass audience. It should educate, entertain, and inspire people towards a better thing to look forward too.
5-Not polishing your SEO STRATEGY
It is crucial to polish and sharpen your SEO strategy on a timely basis.
Every day, every month, the algorithms of such techniques keep on changing. What seems to work today might not work tomorrow.
It is essential to make sure you are on toes with the new strategies. Or else you’ll land making digital marketing bundlers.
Change your descriptions, meta titles, URL throughout the whole post.
Try connecting top trending topics to your current digital marketing strategy to use SEO aptly.
6-Failing to use CASE STUDIES
After all, who doesn’t get inspired by success stories?
The best way to showcase your work excellence to the mass audience is by sharing the success stories.
By case studies, you can actually see the difference because of the Re-call and Recognition.
If the audience doesn’t know whom you have worked with and how you can be a good fit, then there’s no added value to your work.
Start maintaining relations with your client for you to show that you have loved the spotlight they gave you by choosing you. After all, who doesn’t like a little appreciation?
Use these stories to encourage the audience on social media, email and search engines and see your business bloom with traffic.
Once you’ve encouraged the audience and your business blooms with the traffic, you then move on to creating a marketing funnel.
Now again, a new term?
Haha, it isn’t a new term, you are already aware of this, go have a look below.
So, what is a marketing funnel?
‘Today, people are the most effective marketing channel of your brand.’
To enter marketing might look easy, but there are a lot of essential techniques you need to take into consideration, just like the marketing funnel.
It is exactly like a funnel! Yes, you read, right.
Now let me explain how this works.
A marketing funnel is that process in which there are specific steps which are taken by the
visitor before the completion of the conversion.
For example, you, as a customer, visit a particular website to shop online.
- So, you first you visit the website
- scroll through the collection
- add it to the cart
- continue scrolling
- finally checkout with your purchase.
This whole process is what Marketing funnel actually consists. It is the process where the customer completes specific steps before the actual conversion.
To fuel this, specific additional steps can be taken to complete the process — completion of particular sign-up or subscribing to the channel, etc.
The steps to actually convert 5% from 100% of the traffic on your site happens through the marketing funnel.
This whole funnel is followed as
- Marketing Campaign
- Spreading Awareness
- Interest
- Evaluation
- Commitment
- Sale
- Repeat
So, how are marketing funnels beneficial for your business?
Funnel reports can point out your loopholes of the whole marketing plan. Like where you’re losing out your customers, where you’re generating leads and how you’re actually converting them into sales.
It gives you the details of your customers who are actually your potential leads. You can then follow up on them, maintain relations, and take things ahead from they stopped.
Once the funnel is set, the data flows, and you start to take out the details.
Talking about details, you should definitely be aware of the digital marketing trends which are going to make a huge difference in pulling out the details!
Here below read 8 business-critical digital marketing trends for 2019:
“The Last ten years of IT have been about changing the way people work. The next ten years of IT will be about transforming your business.”
Aaron Levie | CEO of Box
We’ve seen trends change from time to time. What was trending once is not even in the memory of the people or it has just become something that they related to.
Let’s see a graph of how the trends have changed since the past years.
One can clearly see how digital media has taken its toll in the past years.
Following the above-given chart, every company today is asking for one such 2019 technique which is going to blow the whole market.
But, here, we’re going to give you 8 business critical digital marketing trends of 2019 technologies.
1-Content rules over anything and anyone!
How often do you stick around to reading a piece of content? Hardly some time?
That hardly ‘some time’ content that you read, that type of content is going to rule the market.
Every person follows a particular brand or services which intrigues them. The type of content that always leaves the audience wanting for more.
According to recent research, 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content daily. Content marketing will generate 3 times for revenue than any other marketing forms. Video content marketing will play a more important role when compared to Articles and blog content.
2-Social media is the key to bring a change
According to a recent global summary, there are 4.388 billion worldwide users on the internet having an increase in the rate of 9.1% every year.
The number of social media users are 3.484 billion worldwide, which increases up to 9% every year.
However, let’s see the internet penetration, especially in active mobile social users. The share of web traffic by the mobile devices is to be noted at 52% stable since a year whereas desktop still ranks at 2nd place with 43% devices.
This shows the way how the internet has already made its way into the lives of people.
Now let’s see the statistics of global social media penetration.
The global social media usage has increased by 9 % since January 2018.
Not only this, different age groups mingle into various social media applications.
All this surely indicates a strong message towards what the future of social media is going to look like.
3-Artificial intelligence (AI) will be the king.
How many times have you had a chat with a website while surfing on the internet?
Yes exactly, that is what AI actually is.
Artificial intelligence is the way of collecting data of the users worldwide, analyzing it, applying it, and learning ways to transform strategies towards the audience. As it continues to advance, it will add value to customer insights. AI is changing the way how digital marketing takes place.
The AI experience is advancing every minute. It has already begun its game-changing towards the online shopping market. People can now try different clothes and see how they look without actually stepping in the store on mobile applications.
It not only drives the audience towards a better user experience but also helps predict the customer’s behavior. With this, it brings real-time customer support.
Chatbots have helped level up the game, as they give a human-like approach and can help solve simple issues.
4-Video marketing
How about if I tell you, mobile video consumption increases 100% every year?
Yes, this stands true. According to YouTube, mobile video consumption increases by 100 % every year. Video marketing is to be expected to take over the market. Adding proper video content with emails has increased its click-through rate by 200%- 300%. Research says that 90% of the users believe watching a video has helped them make a decision.
Video marketing is not just restricted to YouTube. It is for all types of social media platforms.
All the product videos, behind the scenes, interviews are the highlights of the event that you want to cover, and this is generating a lot of buzzes.
5-Voice search
Alexa, play blah blah song. Tell me honestly, how many times have we done this?
Siri Tell me what the current score to today’s match is?
Believe it or not, in this digital era, we do not want to read paragraphs, but pure audio describing what we’re looking out does wonders. This is exactly what the future looks like. Voice content plays a vital role in providing all the relevant information through a voice medium. Artificial intelligence is getting way to advance min terms of delivering what’s best to the users.
6-Personalized search
Open an account on Netflix or Amazon. It will show you content related to what you previously watched. Every application now has a track of your choices, preferences, likes, and dislikes.
This personalization towards you is adding value to your choice of applications. Your whole search is personalized for you.
7-Visual Search
This is a new type of search engine where one can take an image, upload it, and search accordingly to get more specific results. It’s like how Pinterest functions. It’s not entirely though, but it’s like a related search. It has made way for visual search by funding and channeling towards visual search. Pinterest has now come out lenses, a new type of visual search tool that will allow users to search for similar products or pin them for other related products.
It’s not only Pinterest though that has this lens tool, Google lens is also a visual search engine that recognizes objects, products, and other things via the camera, currently, it is available on pixel phones.
It’s going to a crazy ride ahead with the advancements in digital technologies.
But with this crazy ride of digital marketing, don’t you want to make your brand name?
I mean, Yeah, Make your brand name via Digital marketing!
It already sounds so exciting, let’s get to know how!
‘90% of CEOS believe the digital economy will impact their industry, but less than 15% are executing on a digital strategy.’
Your business has the potential to become a brand. So, why not do everything to convert it into a brand?
Google specifically loves brands, as they have the capability to promise and stand by their words. From exceptional customer satisfaction to the supreme quality of the product. If your business has all of this to offer, why not go dive deep into the world of digital marketing and come forward leading the market?
Let’s get you started with your brand’s digital marketing.
To start with your brand’s digital marketing, you first need to understand what your brand stands for. Building a brand is a long and on-going process. Once you’ve understood what your brand is the next follows.
1-Build strong basics
What is your brand promising to the customer? How is it different from other brands?
What is your logo like? Does it clearly show what your brand stands for?
Is your logo unique and memorable?
Answers of all these will give a piece of cumulative information, which will lead you to the basics of your brand.
2-Build your website
There are 1000’s of websites today, but you have to make a website that stands out in terms of web designing and development, with your valuable content and easy to contact us. So, you need to make sure your website is fast and responsive. According to research, half of the traffic appearing on your website expect your site to load within 2 or fewer seconds. Almost 40% of people don’t wait longer and shift to another site. Even a second of delay in response leads to a decrease in conversions.
3-Make a proper guide of your brand.
This will be your guide explaining what your brand actually stands for. Your logo, slogans, font styles, font sizes, colour palette, Video/ graphics/ Animation styles, Language, Patterns, background, message, channeling mediums, and CTA (Call to action).
4-Develop a properly structured plan
The first and most important thing to do is: to develop a strategic, structured plan. Focus on our goal as to what you want to achieve and what the road map will be. A haywire way of accomplishing things is only going to create a mess.
This plan is going to help you with the steps ahead. Here, you can also hire a digital marketing agency as they specialize in these services.
5-Go back to your customer base.
Start engaging with your customers for various offers and bring awareness about your brand going digital. Make a specific target audience you want to focus on. It’s going to one of your ideal goals to brand your business in a way that your target audience loves associating with your brands. This will also help you build bonds with the buyers. This customer base will further help you create your followers on social media.
6-Create visibility of your brand’s website in Search Results.
Once the website is made, you’ll obliviously want that it should appear in the top results page. But for this to happen, you must understand that generating organic traffic is a must. Over half of the traffic generated on the search engine page is produced organically. And by organic meaning, it excludes ads as Google has its own algorithm to rank websites in the search results.
So, the more often people see your brand in various places, the more likely they’re to click on your website. These clicks will show Google that people recognize your brand and your website.
All these higher rankings in search engines are done with SEO. But all this will start if only your website is user-friendly.
Various digital marketing tools will help you transform your business online.
7-Create branded content
Once you know what, why, when, where, and how of your brand, you can start generating rich content on your website and also on blogs, this content should be so concrete and innovative that it holds your target audience in place. This content will help you to increase your brand’s awareness, build trust with your audience, will help generate leads and also into potential clients, along with this, it enables you to nurture existing customers.
8-Start optimizing Social media.
We all know the power of social media in today’s time. Not a single day passes by where people don’t engage on social media. It has become like a significant part of the marketing world.
Make profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and different social media sites. Start finding your customers on social media and try connecting with them. Build your target audience stronger and use social media thoroughly. Make use of email marketing and content-rich pieces of information with campaigns on social media.
9-Video Marketing
How many times have you seen a video and felt better about a brand? The same way, video marketing will work for your brand.
Make a short and crisp professional video relating to your brand. This video should highlight and showcase the work you do. It should contain your brand’s logo, tag line, and the creative, out of the box creations of yours. This will build trust in your target audience and will create a reputation.
10-Community Engagement
How often do we ignore other active communities? Exactly, that’s one thing we shouldn’t do. It may look like it’s not that rewarding, but for a matter of fact, it builds your brand one brick by brick.
By keeping consistency on questioning, participating, and monitoring relevant forums, blogs, communities, and pages, you can actually develop the reach you need. This helps the audience to know how knowledgeable and helpful your brand is.
Note: All these activities shouldn’t look like you are promoting your business.
11- Consistency for NAP
Consistency is the key to any brand. We all should know the importance and persistence of NAP (Name, address, and phone number) across the WWW (World wide web). The business name is usually the brand name, so it’s likely for a brand to maintain consistency where ever possible.
But the actual game of citations goes beyond NAP, i.e., you should use descriptions.
The description of your brand should be as crisp as possible and should be consistently used where ever possible. The description contains the company history, the retained customers, endorsements, and so on.
Note: You need NOT create different variations of your descriptions. Having one consistent description is like a goal in speed. People naturally accept it as they can easily recollect to your brand.
Take, for example, Apple; you don’t see apple posting different brand description for itself when they launch a new product. Simply put consistency is the key always.
Make your website as creative as possible, insert images and photos where ever the citation allows, but make sure you maintain the consistency here. The images should be crisp, attractive, and should enforce what your brand stands for.These images should contain your logo with the same colour scheme, the same size, and there shouldn’t be any variations in the brand’s logo.
Remember, your brand is nothing without the effort of the people working for it. Show appreciation towards them and let the audience know the people behind the face of the brand. Put up pictures of actual people working with you.
Put up pictures of your work station, give your customers an idea of how your business actually looks like, the way you craft your products and services. Incorporate the brand logo in the background as this will act as a reinforcement of the brand.
12-Online Reputation Marketing
In Today’s world, the entire population follows the word of mouth, reviews, and feedbacks.
Creating goodwill in today’s world is like making the future secure. You will always go with the best brand because people have had the best experience with them.
- Good reputation
- Builds trust
- Builds brand
- Achieving targeted goals
This will bring in loyal customers, and for any brand, loyal customers are the heart of the brand. For a successful brand to build, a strong and up-close relation with the loyal customer is a must.
A unique, personal, positive touch towards customers builds trust and makes them relate to the brand as it’s their own. This helps to tighten the grip towards the business and helps the customer to pull towards them.
The customer’s response is a brand’s command. The brand-response is marketing done at its best.
This doesn’t mean that a brand will only entertain positive responses; it is creating a balance between both positive and negative comments. When you treat both responses equally, it shows how engaging and receptive you are as a brand and how willing you are to care about your customers.
13-Publish Authority Content
The end goal of blogging and content marketing shouldn’t be limited to just that it should also focus on link building and social engagement.
Engage your audience with topics they would be interested in and direct them to talk about it. Make sure you optimize this information. This will build an authority in them as they have the power to speak with you about a topic and will build confidence in them, leading to further contacts.
Use other author’s bio to qualify their expertise, position, qualifications, achievements, etc. Also, show which brand this author follows, their preference and presentation of that band.
This will show your receptiveness towards other brands and their capabilities.
14-Partner With Other Brands
One of the quickest ways to spread awareness about your brand is to partner up with other brands. This co-branding is like an integral part of marketing, which helps to generate quick leads.
There are various types of co-branding strategies. Like Influencer, lead, and working partnership. Each is serving its purpose.
With influencer partnership, it’s like connecting with the influencer market on different platforms, where different influential people support and create awareness of your brand amongst their followers, creating extra publicity. It can be done with brands, too, where they don’t promise leads but create awareness for your brand.
Lead partners as the name suggest, help you in getting leads. Although these are the hardest to achieve but once done, they help to create direct leads and revenue.
When it comes to functional partnership, it is slightly different as you need the help of another partner to defeat your competitors. It helps to build the quality of your product, and the result of your product is far better than the previous one, which leads to attracting customers quickly.
The best example of one such functional partnership is the Apple-Hermes partnership.
Seems Easy? Then Let’s Get Started.
Start with a Digital Marketing Plan-The Situation Analysis!
We’ll make you understand what it exactly is.
A situation analysis is a brief about all the context of your digital marketing plan. It is a detailed analysis of your business containing internal and external environmental factors.
Where Does Your Business Stand?
Your internal environment analysis contains | Your external environment could include |
Customers | Social consideration |
Trends in the market | Legal considerations |
The current online proposition | Environmental considerations |
Your competitors | Political consideration |
Technological consideration |
Here are some fantastic Gmail Ad tips:
A-Check your Gmail Quality Score, i.e., check your cost per click v/s click-through rate.
This will give you a lot of information as to how much to invest and how to. In order to achieve perfect results, you must have a really engaging email and a compelling headline. Work on those terms.
B-Check out your email marketing performance.
Hardly some are aware that they can actually check their email marketing performances. Use tools like Marketo, HubSpot, etc. to pull out an email performance report.
C-The use of Emojis
You expected this to come up, didn’t you? Haha!
Of course, I mean in a world of digitalized expressions of emotions, we all connect with it so quickly. For a matter of fact, it also makes everything so easy to relate to.
And having inboxes full with other emails it gets tough to grab the attention of the viewer. So emojis come to the rescue.
Emojis make the pop-up lines so enjoyable, especially on a mobile screen where one can actually read half of the mail via the notifications in the lock screen.
So, use emojis which are relevant according to that content that you’re posting. As adding emojis increases, approximately 30% of the rate of opened emails.
But, make sure these emojis actually relate to what you have to offer in the mail.
D-Go back to the love of keyword targeting.
When hot prospects turn cold, and people who have subscribed to you barely have opened your mail since a while, you can re-approach them via their recent activities through the keywords.
So, it makes sense to target the people who were in our funnel as they are approachable. Thus, targeting people who are familiar with your brand will bring in engagement again. Leading to the enormous scope and going back to your target audience with the targeted words.
E-Dive deeper into your mail Analytics
The rate of people opening your mail is, but further, it is more important to know what they do post opening of your Ad. Gmail has specific metrics that will help you figure out how your whole campaign has worked.
It is vital to turn on the metrics to get the analysis.
F-Use the 4 types of Ad Formats.
Yes! There are different types of Ad formats that Gmail provides.
- The image template
- Single promotion template
- The multi-product template
- The catalog template
Try and incorporate all of these formats; you’ll find that a different kind of format works on a different kind of audience. Different kind of offers goes in hand with different types of formats.
For example: If there’s more stuff to click on the Ad then there’s a chance of people clicking on it and finding interesting things to click on.
15-State your message clearly across your Campaigns and your website
Imagine, if you just clicked on a specific brand’s ad and it took you to the website’s main page or leaves you on a page with a wide variety of the same brand’s product, tell me how quickly are you going to turn back?
Pretty much ASAP. That’s precisely what will happen if you do not keep the messages clear so that while clicking on the ad the viewer knows what it is looking out for and you need to make sure you land them on the same exact product specific space. This will help to convert ad clicked turn into sales.
16-Respond to all that your customer has to say, even the negatives.
It is actually very dangerous of you to assume that whatever product or service you’re providing the customer has full knowledge about it or even about the type of market the product is in. And it is vice-versa too. There are times when companies to believe that they have all the knowledge about the market, but in reality, it gets worst. This leads to a significant disaster from both sides. As the company won’t be able to answer all the objections and questions, the audience will throw towards them.
So, it is indispensable that you draw out all the possible scenarios of your product or service and place them accordingly on your website. Think about all the doubts and queries the audience might have and state them clearly in the FAQs. This might seem like a crazy idea, but you are actually just handing over the information your audience might need. This will also help you to build a fresh, specific, and precise copy.
But, keep in mind to build a copy which is audience-oriented and not company oriented.
Nobody will want to hear how excellent your company is.
17-Who doesn’t love gifts or say a give a way?
Oh, you don’t need to tell me your love for free kinds of stuff! I totally get it. The freer stuffs you get, the more attracted you’ll be with that particular brand leading you to buy more from that brand.
So, the key is, FREE pieces of stuff!
No matter what business you hold, there’s something that you can obviously give away for free and of course when it brings potential customers in. It’s not only the best way to attract people, but it is also a way to introduce people to your brand and lure them into buying on a repetitive base.
18-Dig and create Detailed Buyer Personas
The way Facebook has granule down everything obviously leaves us no space to think more, and it might even sound crazy about how detailed we’re going into the lives of our audiences, but it is necessary.
The better you know about your audience, the better the insights you might have about them, helping you to design better content and push your viewers to a different level of attraction towards your brand/product or service.
19-Execute Tiered Pricing
It’s our human psychology that we go for the mid-expensive product. For example- When you go to a mall, the mid-range clothes are always kept on the eye line. This is because they want to manipulate you into thinking you’re getting the best of the offer. One would always select the best in terms of what they’re offered on the eye level. This is often called “decoy pricing.” Often it happens when there are 2 pricing involved, but when there’s a third price, you understand that the middle one offers you the best in terms of quality and also in terms of pricing.
There will obviously be people who’ll opt out for the expensive clothes, and even if they do that, then that’s a bonus anyway.
20-Pop-ups to remind them about engaging!
These pop-ups can be any pop-ups. Regarding signup, a free trial, give away or simple subscription. Do not ignore the power of such pop-ups. Even if people don’t actually use the promo offer you still have their email and other data to give you information about what they might be interested in. They can later turn into potential sales.
21-Optimize the way people are using Mobile phones
We all know how much we love our phones and how much use to we are to the features of it.
How many times have we simply uninstalled a particular application just because it wasn’t delivering what we are actually looking out for?
1000 Of times? Certainly.
This is exactly what we are talking about here.
Mobile search, mobile shopping, mobile payments, everything has become mobile savvy.
It’s imperative that your website is mobile friendly as different versions of your website are already in the minds of people who have tried your website.
Make it as easy as possible for mobile visitors to buy whatever you’re selling them.
Give them proper navigation and smooth user experience.
Don’t give out way too much or even ask way too much.
Give them exactly what they want, and they’ll come asking for more.
Do not expect mobile users to finish their buying process in a go. That is for sure and definitely not happening in a go. But, keep giving a reminder and a push towards buying the product. This might convert into a potential sale later.
While designing for your mobile visitors, think from their point of view and do everything possible to build it in their way. Effortless, to the point and smooth.
22-Keep your new customers amazed by impressive follow-up Emails.
We obviously want to retain our customers, don’t we? But are we following what is required to actually full fill it? Sadly no.
For most of the business’s customer experience dies when they get the sales completed, but retention goes way beyond that.
To increase your online sales volume, make sure that you have a really impressive, personal and genuine follow-up procedure to show you actually care for them as it’s their new purchase and obviously for you many will be new buyers.
So their order details, the tracking, the delivery, the post-delivery, and the post usage of the product.
Every step matters’ and so does every review.
The more attention you pay towards them, the more likely they’re to adore you bringing in loyalty.
When they order something, give something free to them or tell them to show you what they felt about the product.
Give them thoughtful insights into the product they just brought. For example: If they brought clothing, show them ways they can try it out and how they can style them
— all of these actions to be taken in the follow-up emails.
23-Target your Value Proposition. Make it very obvious.
After all, why should one buy from you? People aren’t looking out to actually buy things they just want to fulfill their requirement and solve their problems.
Honestly talking, 70% of the people aren’t even true-blue towards a brand; they don’t even care what brand it is until their purpose is being full filled. Here’s why your brand should come into the picture.
You should give your audience a promising product so that they don’t go to your competitors and you make sure that you deliver that value to them as they’re investing in you.
There are 3 main aspects of Value proposition:
Pertinent- How your product/service will solve the customer’s problems?
Measurable Value- The specific benefits people will get from your product/service
Discrimination- How different is your company from the competitor company for people to buy from you?
When you jot these points down, it becomes easy for you to focus and stand out. Everything shifts from a small perspective to a micro one.
Focus on the point that have you made your value proposition obvious?
Are people aware of what your product is and how different it is from others?
Does your prospect see what it is to associate with a brand like yours?
One thing is for sure that the higher the value perceived by your audience, the more significant sales you’ll make it.
So, in every digital strategy, try and include your value proposition, email copies, social media, mobile marketing, and even your traditional terms of marketing. Where ever possible.
24-Understand the customer’s voice and use it for better Ad Campaigns
Your audience is obvious to face some kind of hurdles and pain points in terms of understanding or handling a product or service. Or even the sort of expectations they had from you while you were targeting a particular message towards them.
So, to make things easier, use their language to make them understand.
All of this is done while during market research and focus testing. The results are going to help you make better and audience-oriented digital copies.
You may use terms, phrases, words, and symbols used by customers in their daily lives.
25-Examine your Character points and your conversion paths
You might feel everything is going smooth, and there’s nothing to worry about but trust me there might be caution ahead. Go back and check your rates, and you may find your rates just failing miserably. And it isn’t a problem of a clear message or your brand positioning but an unclear idea of when the conversions happen.
You may find that some parts in your marketing strategy actually have a significant influence on your online sales. Your conversions duds may actually affect your conversion rate. I.e., people always find it really reliable when your company comes on the top of organic searches and then see a relatable Ad on a social media platform.
So here, you need to invest more on a social media platform to remarket your character points.
26-Have a word with your online audience
I mean let’s be real, who doesn’t like it when the brand actually considers you and talks to you and like actually listens to you. Nothing can beat this response towards the audience.
It often gets overlooked, but companies now are working towards engaging with the potential online client.
It is like the primary tool towards achieving sales target.
It will not only help you achieve brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and loyalty but also leads to bringing online sales.
Being honest with them and being on toes for your customers is one goal every customer looks out for in a brand.
It can also bring in out and proud advertising by your audience, leading you to grab a lot of attention on social media.
But you need to deal with both negatives and positives.
27-Close the deal using Remarketing!
The last step is yet to be taken, the product is in their cart since yesterday, and all they need is to check out! So, how long are you going to wait for them to take the step? Huh, that isn’t helping. Go, remarket using attractive and catchy banners and flash them in front of them to push them to complete the process!
Remarketing is the most crucial tool any company needs to do time and again to attain the target.
28-Funnel Optimization
We all now know what a funnel is, (read here to understand what marketing funnel is, link) But certain business aspects require to be fulfilled, and that can be only done once you filter out the customer service funnel and operational funnel.
The main goal of a funnel is to move as many people as you possibly can to the next step of your funnel.
There are various ways to carry out this like educational blog posts, videos, and very efficiently via emails.
By going through optimizing your funnel process, it helps you focus on moving the potential prospects down the funnel, turning them into potential buyers.
AND, you don’t need to move every prospect down the funnel, just the right ones.
29-Customer Lifecycle Optimization makes sense!
I mean, from a business point of view, it is way more sensible to retain our customers rather than actually targeting towards new customers.
I do not mean that we shouldn’t, but the existing client base is something that will always push us for more.
They are always ready to upgrade to our premium policies and switch to a better quality with us.
Which means we already have gained their trust and are still building better trust. We have made them understand how we operate and won’t go somewhere they won’t feel comfortable.
So, having a strong client base and optimizing it is the best tool to increase sales online.
Along with this, you need to have a robust digital marketing strategy targeting them to build consistent and customized experience at every point of your business.
So, customer lifecycle optimization makes total sense!
30-Videos and your conversion pages!
Tell me one thing, hasn’t it happened that when you see a video relating to a specific product you kind of engage more towards buying it? Because it shows you what you can have. Not only the conversion pages but in general while browsing any website you’ll feel more drawn when you watch a video.
So, use this to pull customers towards you.
31-Incorporate disintermediate selling
Umm, how many times have you actually bought something slightly costlier than you budget because something attracted you? Quite some time?
Yeah, you’re getting there.
When you buy a superior ranged product when you are actually finalizing on some other product, this up-scale is called disintermediate selling.
And, this happens in the online market too.
When 2 or 3 same products are shown, but of different brands, or the same brand but having slightly different variations and are featured in a way that you’ll find the mid expensive priced product to be your favorite.
This is called up-selling or disintermediate selling.
It’s like opting for a superior product just because of the way it was put up to you.
32-Real-time chat.
Answer their queries in real time. There are times when visitors on your profile cannot find the relevant information they are looking out for and in that case your live chat can come to the rescue and help them navigate with what they want.
This not only increases the chance of them staying longer on the website but also makes it possible for you to bring them into the funnel and lead them along.
The real-time response generates immediate contact with the visitor giving you a chance to help them and keep them engaged.
All of these amazing techniques and strategies leading you to the transformation of your business, imagine what will it be like when every company starts implementing this?
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