Employee advocacy

Tips to enhance employee advocacy efforts

It’s a common issue with most of the business organizations that the employers have to ask their employees to become active at their company’s social media accounts.

What do you think, what could be the possible reason for this reluctance? Well, you can’t avoid the fact that most employees view social media as their personal space.

And, they like to keep their personal accounts separate from work, just for the sake of privacy. That’s why there is always a lack of social media engagement from your employee’s end.

You can’t ask or push your employee to get engaged with your company’s social media account. It’s their own will whether they want to do it or not as this type of strategy won’t help you in the long run. Now, you’ll ask what businesses should do in such case?

In this blog, you’ll understand how to make your employees feel empowered and make them feel more confident to actively participate and engage with your business social media.

4 Tips to leverage employee advocacy efforts within your organization.

1) Be open with your employees.

You should always keep transparency with your employees whenever you need them to put some extra efforts for the company.
Explain to your employees why you want them to connect and be active on social media updates of their company.
And also, express your gratitude to those who already are active on the company’s social media accounts.

2) Go behind the Scenes

The behind the scenes post is one of the most engaging contents on social media platforms. One way of encouraging them would be sharing the milestones for your team and celebrating around the office.
When you share such posts; they generally create high organic engagement on all platforms and employees willfully like and share them.
Behind the scene posts with your team is a sure way to create natural engagement within your employees. Don’t know where to begin with? Maybe these highlights will help:

Milestones –

You must celebrate the employee’s anniversary; a number of years he/she has served your company. Adopting an employee of the month program that shows their contributions to the company’s growth will also act as a motivating factor.

Outings –

You must share photos, and videos from holiday parties, company lunches and various other celebrations or events in which your team participates round the year.

Day in the life –

This strategy usually works for creating engagement! And, that strategy is to share what it’s like to work a day at your business. This gives your audience an idea of how’s the work culture in your office. It may also inspire candidates to apply for a job in your company.

Out the boss –

Who doesn’t want a cool boss? Moreover, showing your boss enjoying with the employees gives a positive image of your company on social media platforms. You can always count on this idea. We bet if your post is not filled with likes or “haha” laughing emojis.

3) Make Employees Experts

You can use many other strategies to involve your employees in your company’s social shares apart from all this.
Say you’re into a retail business, something like small boutiques or cosmetic industry, you can use your own employees as models to showcase your products or designs.

Do you remember that ad from Trivago?

Using your own employees from within your organization motivates them to take the extra effort as who would not like to volunteer as an ambassador on behalf of their company.
Also, you might’ve seen videos of big retail houses where stylists and sales associates explain their product and merchandise through Instagram Videos.

Who wouldn’t like to share such content, which portrays them in such an awesome way?

4) Send weekly emails

You’ve explained why employee engagement matters for your social media accounts, and applied all the strategies needed to involve and engage, you can go one step ahead by asking them to follow your content and engage.
Email is one of the best ways to give them a nice nudge. It could be tricky to involve your employee in it, but now their interactions are important for spreading your content and let it reach to a larger audience.
When it comes to encouraging your employees to connect and engage in your social media account, there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy. However, there could be various options you can use to promote your employees and hold their interest.

To wrap it up,

Employee advocacy should not be introduced as a program but instead, it should be instilled within an organization’s culture as a practice which will help a business grow and scale up its engagement rates on social media channels.
And now tell us how your organization actively involves its employees to participate in its social media campaigns?


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